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Everybody Has a Thyroid… What Could Go Wrong??? Dr. Mark Sumeray, CMO of Amolyt Pharma

Dr. Mark Sumeray from Amolyt Pharma talks about their innovative approach to treating hormonal conditions. We’ll talk about two – when your parathyroid has been injured or removed, often during thyroid surgery, and another – when the pituitary starts overproducing growth hormone.

Overviewing Preliminary Data of ABvac40, a Vaccine for Alzheimer Disease: Jose Terencio

The vice president of Innovation and New Technologies at Grifols provided perspective on the interim phase 2 findings of ABvac40, a vaccine in development for patients with Alzheimer disease.

Navigating the challenges of cell therapies

Vittoria’s innovative Senza5 platform, with its unique CD5-targeting approach, aims to enhance the efficacy, safety, and speed of cell therapies.


The Legend Steve Gorlin’s Golden Rules

This week, the Business of Biotech sits down with the legendary biotech investor Steve Gorlin, now CEO of CoRegen, for a conversation on his golden rules for picking winners.


Locks on Translation Initiation May Restrain Cancer

Effector Therapeutics is working on selective translation regulator inhibitors (STRIs).

nature biotechnology

Can gene editing drive out HIV and hepatitis viruses from inside cells?

GigaGen, a subsidiary of Barcelona-based Grifols, aims to file an investigational new drug application next year, ahead of an initial trial of its recombinant polyclonal antibody therapy for chronic HBV infection

Can gene editing drive out HIV and hepatitis viruses from inside cells?

GigaGen, a subsidiary of Barcelona-based Grifols, aims to file an investigational new drug application next year, ahead of an initial trial of its recombinant polyclonal antibody therapy for chronic HBV infection.


CTAD 2023: Grifols/Araclon Ponder Next Steps For ABvac40 After Phase II Readout

The Phase II trial was not powered to show statistical significance on cognitive efficacy, but early Alzheimer’s patients treated with Araclon/Grifols’ anti-Aβ40 vaccine had slower decline by some measures.